Learn how to let your inner Ms Chevious rise to the surface and be your true self regardless of your circumstances
Laura’s mission is to empower women to overcome adversity and be the greatest version of themselves, unapologetically.
Also known as “Ms Chevious”, Laura is an inspiring and successful example of those who believe that what is right in front of them is not necessarily what is meant for you. This belief has guided her and serves as the underlying foundation for her mission to help women realize their own personal freedom. While working in Corporate America’s Finance field, Laura served in multiple disciplines starting with Customer Service and including Quality Assurance.
It was during this time that Laura became the go-to person for those in her inner circle, providing insight into their roadblocks and how to overcome them. Realizing that her message needed to help others, Ms Chevious was brought to life and now continue’s Laura’s mission.
Laura’s 1st book is called “Be a Success Maverick, How Ordinary People Do It Different to Achieve Extraordinary Results” with co-authors including multiple best-selling author Paul Finck. Laura went from collaborating with multiple speakers and authors to becoming a public speaker helping people across the United States.